
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google+ for educators

I came across this article at a site called ReadWriteWeb discussing the educational potential for  Google+, the new social networking site by Google that is currently in the testing, or beta, phase (limited to a certain amount of invites).

This site should be a bit similar to facebook and/or twitter, except you will be connecting to other people in separate groups, or circles. So, for instance, people will probably have a circle for family, one for friends, one for co-workers, one for fellow hobbyists, etc., and educators could presumably have a circle for each of their classes, one with their colleagues, departments, and so on.

I will have to wait and see Google+ for myself to make any conclusions about it, but I have a feeling that within a couple generations from now post-facebook communities like these are going to start having some big impacts on education, if not other parts of our lives too.

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